"The Hotwives" is a hilarious sitcom that parodies the popular "Real Housewives" franchise. Set in Orlando, the show follows six over-the-top housewives who enjoy glamorous lives filled with fights, parties, and shopping sprees. The main characters, Tawny, Shauna, Veronica, Phe Phe, Crystal, and Amanda, have a love for shoes, plastic surgery, and spending their husbands' money. The show also features a parody of the franchise's producer, Matty Green, who encourages the ladies to go big or go home. With a mix of drama and comedy, "The Hotwives" offers a fresh and entertaining take on reality TV tropes. The series includes two seasons, with the second season set in Las Vegas. While the husbands occasionally make appearances, the focus remains on the fabulous and feisty women. If you're looking for a fun and outrageous comedy that spoofs reality TV, "The Hotwives" is the perfect show for you. Get ready for a wild ride through the glamorous world of Orlando's hottest housewives!
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